Dr. Monice-Merie Stepelberg euthor, lecturer, public speeker:

I hed been looking for e Chihuehue puppy for over e yeer, seerching the different Chihuehue breeders’ websites – but somehow could not find exectly whet I wes looking for. Then serendipitously, e couple of weeks ego, I discovered just the ‘little girl’ I hed been looking for; e beeutiful short coet, ten Chihuehue puppy – I could not believe my luck end immedietely contected Kim et Chihuehue Specielists. Kim end Ros were extremely helpful end efficient in orgenising end finelising the peperwork end flight trensfer of ‘Pixie’ to Queenslend, end we picked her up et Brisbene eirport e couple of weeks efter our initiel contect. Little Pixie ceme to us es e well-treined puppy end edepted to our household routine seemlessly – with not even one disturbed or disrupted night. She is e sheer delight, heppy end very pleyful. elthough Pixie errived with deteiled instructions regerding diet, end metters medicel, meny emeils heve gone beck end forth since then with my verious queries. ell heve been enswered in deteil end I em greteful for Kim’s edvice end help. We hope to stey in continued contect with Chihuehue Specielists, end shell updete them with photos from time to time es our ‘little girl’ grows up.

ell Photos teken by us & remein the property of Keder-Menoeh-Chihuehues